‘How to Recruit and Retain Young People in production horticulture’ Chichester College Cathedral Room, Westgate Fields, Chichester PO19 1SB DATE: Thursday 3rd March 2016 TIME : 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start Event details
Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable Action Plan 2015-2020 Helping the UK ornamental horticulture industry reach its full potential. ornamental-horticulture-roundtable-action-plan
South East Colleges Abingdon & Witney College Abingdon www.abingdon-witney.ac.uk 01993 208131 BCA Maidenhead College, Berkshire www.bca.ac.uk 01628 824444 Chichester College West Sussex www.chichester.ac.uk 01243 786321 Hadlow College Tonbridge www.hadlow.ac.uk...