AHDB new horticulture board chair is Hayley Campbell-Gibbons

The NFU policy adviser is now a new member of the board of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, who will also chair its Horticulture Sector Board, replacing Gary Taylor. Hayley Campbell-Gibbons will take up her post from 1 November 2018. Her appointment...

Minette Batters – NFU President Visits the WSGA

The West Sussex Growers Association were delighted to have the opportunity to host a visit by Minette  around some of the member nurseries here in West Sussex on Wednesday 18th July 18 The visit included a buffet lunch kindly hosted by Vitacress Herbs at their Runcton...

Velo South Cycle Race Sunday 23rd Sept.

15,000 cyclist will be taking part in the above. A number of roads will be closed for a period of time on this day. Full details can be found at  www.velosouth.com