As you’ll probably be aware, last week we launched our latest ‘email your MP’ campaign tool on seasonal workers on NFUonline. This empowers members to get involved in our lobbying by contacting their MPs about the need to expand the Seasonal Workers Pilot Scheme this year, and make it permanent.
It works in a similar way to the previous Ag Bill email campaign: members just need to log in and type their postcode, and a template email to their local MP will be automatically generated. It only takes about 30 seconds, and members are also able to tailor the text to suit their needs e.g. if they want to provide specific examples of their struggles with recruitment, or if they know their local MP well and want to include a personal message.
I appreciate this applies to some of you more than others, but please could you encourage your local members, particularly those in the hort sector, to get involved in this important email campaign over the next couple of weeks.
Thank you, and if you have any questions just shout anytime.
Rocky Lorusso MSc MBA
External Affairs Manager, NFU