Main Telephone: 01903 721591
Fargro Ltd
Fargro Ltd. was established in 1946 as a grower co-operative to market fruit and supply growers with the necessary fertilisers, chemicals and compost to grow their plants. Now a private limited company owned by 300 growers Fargro has developed in to the leading requisite supplier to horticultural growers in southern England. In addition Fargro market a range of exclusive products throughout the UK including agrochemicals, pots, hanging baskets and ground cover. We work with many of the leading agrochemical manufacturers developing products for the UK market, recently specialising in biopesticides. Staff make regular visits to China and elsewhere to source new requisite products.
The Fargro technical team provide a technical advisory service to growers and supply a range of biological pest controls with full technical support. Fargro has developed in to the leading supplier of energy to horticultural businesses supplying oil, natural gas, electricity and LPG. Staff are actively involved with many industry organisations, such as the West Sussex Growers’ Association, the Horticultural Development Company and the Agricultural industries Confederation providing expertise and support.