Welcome to the latest edition of “RDPE Network News” which focuses on the new RDPE schemes. We’re at the first stage of the new Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) 2014-2020, with several new schemes recently launched and more offers to come in the summer. Information about current grants is available on the GOV.UK site or by calling the Rural Payments helpline on 03000 200 301. RDPE Update Countryside Stewardship: Applications are now open for 2015 Water Capital Grants, 2015 Woodland Capital Grants and Facilitation Funding. The Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund supports people and organisations that can bring land managers together to deliver environmental benefits at a landscape scale. Countryside Stewardship statements of priorities provide an overview of the environmental priorities for the scheme in a particular area, with 159 statements covering the whole of England. Applications for new multi-annual Countryside Stewardship agreements will open in the summer. As and when new scheme information becomes available it will be published on the Rural grants and payments webpage. Countryside Productivity: the first phase of the Countryside Productivity scheme is now open, and will provide a total of £5 million to help farmers access the best new technology. We are also inviting people to notify to us ideas for projects to form Operational Groups to explore linking innovative research, farming and forestry under the European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP-Agri). EIP-Agri will open formally for applications from summer 2015. Growth Programme: so far 5 Local Enterprise Partnerships have opened calls for projects under RDPE objectives – more will open over the coming months and rural businesses may also be eligible for other parts of the Growth Programme. Information about what is available can be found on GOV.UK. LEADER: new LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) have been announced. There are 80 groups within England covering approximately 85% of rural population. In summer 2015, applications will open via LAGs for LEADER funding for projects that create jobs, help businesses to grow and benefit the rural economy. A LAG is made up of people from the local community and the local public and private sector. LAGs decide which projects they will fund in their area. See more information about LAGs and LEADER. Registration for rural payments Applicants should register on the new online service before they apply for RDPE schemes and then apply using the application routes provided. Further details about how to apply for the new schemes is available on GOV.UK. The Rural Payments helpline on 03000 200 301 can provide support in getting online to register. Please subscribe to receive future newsletters. On many GOV.UK pages including the CAP Reform Blog and the RDPE Network site you can also sign up to receive automatic alerts as soon as information is added. For contributions, ideas and feedback on development of this Newsletter please contact rdpenetwork@defra.gsi.gov.uk / 0117 372 3634 or Tweet us via @RDPENetwork. Sign up to our RSS Feeds to keep up to date with the Network’s activity and with developments to the RDPE in between newsletters. Best regards Liz Sheppard RDPE Network Co-ordinator rdpenetwork.defra.gov.uk Follow us on Twitter