Arun District Council (ADC) – Tour of W.S.G.A. Members

Arun District Council (ADC) – Tour of W.S.G.A. Members

A tour of WSGA Members nurseries for ADC Councillors & Officers was organised for 5th September 2019. We are very grateful to Madestein UK, DPS Agriculture and Farplants for agreeing to host our visitors during the day. About 20 ADC Councillors & Officers on...

Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV).

To our knowledge there are no further confirmed outbreaks of ToBRFV in the UK. The only one confirmed to date is in North Kent. As a precaution against this devastating disease, most UK tomato & pepper nurseries have closed their gates to visitors. For further...

’email your MP’ campaign tool on seasonal workers

As you’ll probably be aware, last week we launched our latest ‘email your MP’ campaign tool on seasonal workers on NFUonline. This empowers members to get involved in our lobbying by contacting their MPs about the need to expand the Seasonal Workers Pilot Scheme this...