LEAF Media Release: 15th May 2015

LEAF Media Release: 15th May 2015

Two leading horticulture businesses recognised by LEAF for High Environmental Standards Two leading horticulture companies, Tangmere Airfield Nurseries Ltd and Eric Wall Ltd, both based in Chichester, have been launched as LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming)...

Are you ready for SUD ?

The Sustainable Use Directive at a glance. Three dates that matter for any one that uses professional pesticides: During 2014 Demonstrate intergrated Pest Management (IPM) is followed on the farm or Nursery 26th Nov 2015 The sprayer operative on the farm or nursery...

Delivering lasting change and economic growth

Your Energy Sussex is a West Sussex-led local authority partnership working with businesses, communities and residents, to promote energy saving and renewable energy. Driven by a commitment to combat the rising cost of energy, reduce carbon emissions and help the...

H.D.C Lean Manufacturing

Achieving efficient use of labour in protected edible crops. lean-glasshouse pdf